![]() Hypericum is pre-eminently a Neuralgic Remedy (remedy for nerve pain). The word ‘Hyper’ means above and ‘ecion’ means image. It is a Plant Remedy prepared from whole plant commonly known by the name St. John’s Wart. Unlike other Remedies discussed so far, for First Aid Kit, this remedy was first proved by Dr. Miller. All of the other Remedies discussed so far were first proved by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (Father of Homeopathy). The plant is found in India, Asia, Europe, North Africa and America. Hypericum Patient is mentally sad, has anxiety of falling from height due to effects of shock after injury, falls, post-operative surgery or road-side accidents. These patients make mistakes in writing. This remedy helps prevent Tetanus and is used in injuries of Spinal Cord or after Concussion (violent blow) of Spinal Cord. It is indicated in punctured (like stepping on nail) , incised (clean cut injuries as from blades, knives etc.) or lacerated wounds (where tissue is torn apart) specially of long standing. It is also used in crushed or mashed fingertips specifically because, the fingertips are rich in nerve supply and the excruciating nerve pain is taken care of by this remedy. Patient has a sensation that his/her head elongated at night. Headache, after fall on occiput with sensation of being lifter up high in the air. The spine is sensitive to touch. Patient also might have convulsions after blow/injury. Potency and Repetition: It is a good idea to start with low potency. Low potencies include potencies such as 6X, 12X or 30C. (For example: Hypericum Perforatum 30 C). If you are planning to take Hypericum pills, consider taking 4 pills 1 time a day for 7 days. Stop taking the Medicine if symptoms worsen and consult with your Professional Homeopath. Disclaimer: This is not a Medical Advice. It’s a general indication for injuries and muscle aches. Homeopathic prescription is based on each individual’s mental, physical and emotional detailed assessment and final prescription is made on individuals’ personality. The recommendation on Potency and Repetition is generalized as there is no ‘one size fits all’ for Homeopathic Prescription. This post is a good guide for First Aids.
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![]() Ledum Palustre is commonly known by the name Marsh Tea or Wild Rosemary. The plant is mainly found in North America, Canada, Alaska, Europe, Northern and central Asia, China, Korea and Japan. It is a low shrub with tall evergreen leaves. The flowers emit strong smell to attract bees. Ledum Palustre is prepared from leaves of the plant. Ledum pre-eminently acts on Central Nervous System (Brain, Spinal cord and nerves), Skin, Bones, Muscles and joints. This Remedy is indicated in individuals who have tendencies to develop Rheumatism and Gouty conditions (increased blood uric levels). Patients needing this remedy are emaciated (muscle wasting), they are bothered by chilly weather; always feel cold and all the complaints are worsened on becoming cold. However, they cannot bear heat of the bed. It worsens their complaints. This Remedy plays a vital role in injures from “punctured wounds” caused due to sharp instruments or rat bites, mosquito bites or insect bites. The site of the wound turns black-blue and green. Most characteristic symptom indicative for this Remedy is that patient is better by holding feet in ice cold water. As far as Rheumatism and Gouty complaints of the patients go, the Rheumatism ascends upwards; that is, it starts in the feet and ascends upwards toward knee and then hip. Feet swell up to knees with unbearable pain while walking. Overall, patients’ complaints grow worse at night, from heat of heat and are better by cold even though patient is intolerant to cold. Potency and Repetition: It is a good idea to start with low potency. Low potencies include potencies such as 6X, 12X or 30C. (For example: Ledum Palustre 30 C). If you are planning to take Ledum Palustre pills, consider taking 4 pills 3 times a day for 7 days. Stop taking the Medicine if symptoms worsen and consult with your Professional Homeopath. Disclaimer: This is not a Medical Advice. It’s a general indication for injuries and muscle aches. Homeopathic prescription is based on each individual’s mental, physical and emotional detailed assessment and final prescription is made on individuals’ personality. The recommendation on Potency and Repetition is generalized as there is no ‘one size fits all’ for Homeopathic Prescription. This post is a good guide for First Aids. ![]() The word Calendula is derived from word ‘Calendale’ meaning, month. As the plant flowers throughout the year, it is known as Calendula. The juice of the plant is offensive in odor and hence it is called as officinalis. The Remedy is prepared from fresh leaves with top of flowers. Mainly, Calendula acts on Skin, Mucous Membranes and Gastro-intestinal track. It is suitable in constitutions that have tendency for Cellulitis (inflammation of skin) or Erysipelas (Bacterial Skin Infection). Calendula promotes formation of Healthy Granulation tissue and rapid healing by first intention. This makes the remedy particularly useful to prevent Gangrene. Routinely, this remedy is very handy whenever there are clean cut injuries (post-operative/after surgery to heal the stitches) or in cuts from sharp instruments such as knife, blades, razors etc. Calendula also rapidly heals Ulcers that are irritable, sloughing (pus formation) and painful as if beaten. Patient is aggravated from damp, cloudy weather and is better by rest, fanning and open air. Potency and Repetition: It is a good idea to start with low potency. Low potencies include potencies such as 6X, 12X or 30C. (For example: Calendula Officinalis 30 C). If you are planning to take Calendula pills, consider taking 4 pills 3 times a day for 7 days. Calendula Cream or Mother Tincture can be applied directly on the wound for 14 days to promote Healthy Granulation tissue Formation. Stop taking the Medicine if symptoms worsen and consult with your Professional Homeopath. Disclaimer: This is not a Medical Advice. It’s a general indication for injuries and muscle aches. Homeopathic prescription is based on each individual’s mental, physical and emotional detailed assessment and final prescription is made on individuals’ personality. The recommendation on Potency and Repetition is generalized as there is no ‘one size fits all’ for Homeopathic Prescription. This post is a good guide for First Aids. ![]() Arnica is a plant remedy commonly known as Leopard’s Bane. This plant is found on the slopes of the mountain in Europe, Switzerland, North Germany and Siberia. In earlier times, Natives used this plants’ poisonous juice to kill the leopard hence the name, Leopard’s Bane. Arnica acts on Muscles, Tendons, Bones, Central Nervous System and Gastro-intestinal tract. This medicine is prepared from entire plant including the roots of the plant. An individual needing Arnica as a Remedy is Mentally sad, morose, cannot focus, they want to be alone and are indifferent about things or people. It is a good remedy after Roadside accidents to promote absorption of blood and prevent suppuration (pus formation). These patients who are victim of roadside accidents may be unconscious, but they answer correctly when questioned, which is a prominent feature of Arnica. Arnica patients don’t want to be approached. They are extremely afraid of anything or anyone approaching them as they feel they will get injured. Physically, Arnica patient walks by bending at the hip joint. The injured parts turn black, blue with sensation as if parts were bruised or beaten up. Anything and everything on which h/she lies seems too hard. Arnica patient cannot lie down as everything on which h/she lies seems too hard. Arnica is particularly useful in contusions and Concussions. Overall, an individual needing Arnica will be aggravated at rest, lying down and from wine and better by contact and motion. Potency and Repetition: It is a good idea to start with low potency. Low potencies include potencies such as 6X, 12X or 30C. (For example: Arnica Montana 30 C). Start with one dose that is 4 pills. If you do not observe any effect of this medicine for two days, take another dose. Stop taking the Medicine if symptoms worsen and consult with your Professional Homeopath. Disclaimer: This is not a Medical Advice. It’s a general indication for injuries and muscle aches. Homeopathic prescription is based on each individual’s mental, physical and emotional detailed assessment and final prescription is made on individuals’ personality. The recommendation on Potency and Repetition is generalized as there is no ‘one size fits all’ for Homeopathic Prescription. This post is a good guide for First Aids. |
AuthorRucha Bhave is a Homeopathic Practitioner in the U.S. practicing & teaching Homeopathy since 12 years. Archives
June 2022